Easy To Operate Minor Earthwork, Driveway And Car Park Construction Business

Easy To Operate Minor Earthwork, Driveway And Car Park Construction Business
The current owner of this business has focused on providing superior acreage driveways and small car parks, and the highest quality finish results
which now underpin the businesses core offering and reputation. The result being repeat work with clients ongoing and
a solid pipeline of high margin projects, or work in hand.
Revenue is derived from the preparation and installation of Driveways, car parks and small earthmoving projects. The current
Marketing effort is minimal and could be greatly improved by leveraging the existing digital presence and employing traditional
direct to customer lead generation activities. Compared to the large dollar value per sale, cost of acquisition per customer or
project is small.
• High Value Equipment Included Unencumbered
• Significant Growth Opportunities
• Strong Pipeline of Work in Hand
A well maintained fleet of plant & equipment is all included in the sale unencumbered which means the sale price
is strongly supported by saleable Assets. Major Mobile plant includes Excavator, rollers, truck, skid steer and a large amount of
ancillary parts and tools. There is demand for additional services that could be easily provided utilising existing equipment
which has not been pursued by the current owner.
Contractors are used to supplement the owners time input and casual staff that can be called on when needed are trained in
delivering high quality results. An incoming owner would ideally be licensed to operate one or several types of machinery but the
business could also be run using licensed operators.
Asking Price $250,000 + WIP
which now underpin the businesses core offering and reputation. The result being repeat work with clients ongoing and
a solid pipeline of high margin projects, or work in hand.
Revenue is derived from the preparation and installation of Driveways, car parks and small earthmoving projects. The current
Marketing effort is minimal and could be greatly improved by leveraging the existing digital presence and employing traditional
direct to customer lead generation activities. Compared to the large dollar value per sale, cost of acquisition per customer or
project is small.
• High Value Equipment Included Unencumbered
• Significant Growth Opportunities
• Strong Pipeline of Work in Hand
A well maintained fleet of plant & equipment is all included in the sale unencumbered which means the sale price
is strongly supported by saleable Assets. Major Mobile plant includes Excavator, rollers, truck, skid steer and a large amount of
ancillary parts and tools. There is demand for additional services that could be easily provided utilising existing equipment
which has not been pursued by the current owner.
Contractors are used to supplement the owners time input and casual staff that can be called on when needed are trained in
delivering high quality results. An incoming owner would ideally be licensed to operate one or several types of machinery but the
business could also be run using licensed operators.
Asking Price $250,000 + WIP