High Needs NDIS provider WA based with National Certifications

Starting as a front line Allied Health Care provider 30years ago, this practice has recently been certfiied as an NDIS provider across 30 categories of service.


Specialist staff support a well respected owner within the practices area of expertise. Multiple physical premises are leased to provide NDIS and Allied Health services but are very much underutilised. The various certifications carried by the business and excess rooms capacity would suit an incoming owner looking to expand their current footprint or use the spaces by adding their own existing demand.


  • Operating from Multiple premises
  • Specilised staff that are in high demand
  • National NDIS accreditation across mutiple categories
  • Accreditation to provide additional Gov services


The current owner is seeking a buyer who has a genuine interest in providing ongoing care to all of the practices long term clients. The owner is seeking to divest the burden of management and administration roles but willing to stay on and continue to work in the business in a professional carer capacity if needed. 


Asking Price $350k

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